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Buy Back Scheme


How it works: 

The buy back scheme is ideal for those wishing to purchase an instrument with the security of a guaranteed price after 6 months should the student not continue learning. Most students do continue and this scheme means that for most they do not incur the additional costs of rental. it is more cost effective than renting for 6 months and the best solution if your budget allows for a purchase.
Prozone Music will guarantee to buy back an instrument purchased within the first 6 months. Provided the instrument has not been damaged and has been looked after (signs of reasonable usage accepted) we can offer a high buy back price that is always nore cost effective than 6 months rental.

Examples of our buy back prices are:

(purchase prices are for demonstration purposes only and subject to change, check our site for the latest deals)
Buffet Prodige Clarinet - Purchase Price £439 - Buy Back Price £329.25
Trevor James Classic Alto Sax - Purchase price £599 - Buy Back Price £449.25
Yamaha YTR2330 Trumpet - Purchase price £370 - Buy Back Price £277.49
Trevor James TJ10Xe Flute - Purchase price £399 - Buy Back Price £299.25
Please contact Prozone Music for full terms and conditions of our rental and buy back schemes.